G3 is a flexible Javascript framework for building steam gauge instrument panels that display live external metrics from flight (or other) simulators like X-Plane and Microsoft FS2020. This demo gives a sense of what you can build:
G3’s goal is to provide a lightweight, browser-based solution for building steam-gauge control panels using simple hardware atop a commodity LCD display, powered by an affordable single-board computer like the Pi. One of my original inspirations was this awesome Cessna setup. G3 might also be useful for interactive data visualizations and dashboards.
The name G3 is a tortured backronym for “generic gauge grammar”—and has an aircraft connection—but was mainly chosen in homage to D3. It’s part of a quixotic pandemic project to build a DHC-2 Beaver simpit. Although there are plenty of alternatives for creating instrument panels, I decided it would be fun to roll my own based on pure Javascript with SVG using D3. After several iterations, I ended up very close to the pattern suggested by Mike Bostock several years ago in Towards reusable charts.