A quick visualization experiment to create an informal / cartoonish map reminiscent of the game of Risk.
This was originally a gist hosted at bl.ocks.org, which seems dead now. This clone might still work.
This is a simple D3 animation of flight shopping data for a single route, inspired by LiteBrite. A number of interesting patterns surface, like the downward pointing red triangles corresponding to ...
Illustrates how to use Vladimir Agafonkin’s clever simpleheat JS library to overlay a heatmap of Hopper search destinations on a D3 map. Just for fun we use a separate svg layer ‘under’ the canvas...
This visualization was inspired by Amit Patel’s diagram illustrating cube coordinates. That diagram initially confused me because the edges of the grid cubes centered on integer coordinates in th...
Omega Speedmaster Demo
Atari Eastern Front 1941: Chris Crawford's narrative history
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